Avid Minds

четверг, октября 28, 2004


I'll post regularly some quotes of great physicists, specially Einstein...keep watching


How big is/was Einstein? I say....huge. How can such genius fit in a few pounds of brain and bone? As I study Physics he's my idol, the one that I follow. What would the world be like if he had fallen in the Swiss Mountains in a school journey when he was still a teenager?

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." Albert Einstein

Does God exist?

Does God exist?That's an ordinary question without an ordinary answer. I'm christian not because I wanted but because I was made to when I didn't have perceptions, just sensations...But what do I think now?I don´t believe in any religion and a gorgeous girl once said to me that she didn´t believe in any human-like god but in Nature as a God. How beautiful is that?Speechless I was...If I believed in any God, it'd be that one. When I saw her just walking into the flying machine, I just stood there, sat, sad and sorry .That was the last time I dropped a tear...

"What kind of men are poets that are able to talk about Jupiter as if it is like a man but if it is an enormous rotating sphere of methane and ammonia,have to remain in silence?"
Richard Feynman

вторник, октября 12, 2004

Avid Mind

физик....da world! This is the beginning of the times, times of hapiness that will arrive someday. Don't go away...Wait for the next episodes....